The ModelBuilder class

Objects of this class act as Model factories

Initialization and methods

class clusterx.model.ModelBuilder(*args, **kwargs)

Model class

Objects of this class represent a cluster expansion model.


basis: string (Default: "trigonometric")

Basis set used to calculate the matrix of cluster correlations. For a detailed description and possible values of this parameter, look at the documentation for parameter basis in CorrelationsCalculator

selector_type: string

Cluster selector type. For the possible values, look at the documentation for the parameter selector_type in the ClustersSelector class.

selector_opts: dictionary

Cluster selector options. For the possible values, look at the documentation for the parameter selector_opts in the ClustersSelector class.

estimator_type: string

Estimator type. For the possible values, look at the documentation for the parameter estimator_type in the EstimatorFactory class.

estimator_opts: dictionary

Estimator options. For the possible values, look at the documentation for the parameter estimator_opts in the EstimatorFactory class.

filepath: string (default: None)

If not None, it must be the path to a pickle file generated with ModelBuilder.serialize(). All other parameters are overriden

standardize: Boolean (defaut:False)

Whether to standardize the input. Uses StandardScaler of scikit-learn.

build(sset, cpool, prop, corrc=None, verbose=False)

Build optimal cluster expansion model

Acts as a Model factory.


sset: StructuresSet object

structures set used for model training.

cpool: ClustersPool object

clusters pool from which to select the best model using the method indicated in selector_type.

prop: String

Property name. Must be a valid name as stored in sset. The list of names can be obtained using sset.get_property_names().

corrc: CorrelationsCalculator object (default: None)

If not None, cpool and basis are overriden


Return estimator object used to create the optimal model


Return initial correlation matrix

Return the initial correlation matrix, i.e. the full correlation matrix before cluster selection is performed.


Return optimal clusters pool found in build.

When the build method is called, a ClustersSelector object is created to perform the cluster selection task. The selected clusters pool can be obtained by calling this function.


Return selector used in build.

When the build method is called, a ClustersSelector object is created to perform the cluster selection task. This selector can be obtained by calling this function.


Serialize model into pickle file

Only pickle format is supported.


filepath: string (default: “MODELBDR.pickle”)

file path of the pickle file to serialize the model builder object