The Model class

Objects of this class comprise represent a cluster expansion model

Initialization and methods

class clusterx.model.Model(*args, **kwargs)

Model class


corrc: CorrelationsCalculator object

The correlations calculator corresponding to the optimal model.

property_name: String

The methods of the Model class that take a StructureSet object as argument, will query property values named according to property_name.

estimator: Estimator object

An estimator object to predict the property values. Alternatively, The effective cluster interactions (ECIs) can be set.

ecis: Array of float

Effective cluster iteractions (multiplied by the corresponding multiplicities). Overrides estimator object.

filepath: string (default: None)

Overrides all the above. Used to initialize from file. Path of a json or pickle file containing a serialized Model object, as generated by the Model.serialize() method.

json_db_filepath: string (default: None)

DEPRECATED, use filepath instead. Overrides all the above. Used to initialize from file. Path of a json file containing a serialized Model object, as generated by the Model.serialize() method.

get_all_errors(sset, srtd=False)

Return absolute errors of every structure in a structures set.


sset: StructuresSet object

the errors are calculated for every structure in the structures set

srtd: Boolean (default: False)

if True the output errors are sorted from smallest to largest.

Returns: structured numpy array with fields:

[('index','<i4'), ('error','<f4')]

i.e., every element of the array contains a tuple with an integer, the structure index and a float, the absolute error


Return correlations calculator of the Model object

get_cv_score(sset, fit_params=None)

Get leave-one-out cross-validation score over structures set.


fit_params: dictionary

Parameters to pass to the fit method of the estimator.


Return array of effective cluster interactions (ECIs) of the model


Compute RMSE, MAE and MaxAE for model in structures set.


Return parent lattice of the cluster expansion model.


Predict property with the optimal cluster expansion model.


structure: Structure object

structure object to calculate property to.

predict_swap(structure, ind1=None, ind2=None, correlation=False, site_types=[0])

Predict property difference with the optimal cluster expansion model.


structure: Structure object

structure object to calculate property difference to.

ind1: int

index of first atom position has been swapped

ind2: int

index of second atom position has been swapped


Report fit and CV scores


sset: StructuresSet object

the scores are computed for the give structures set

serialize(filepath=None, fmt=None, db_name=None)

Write cluster expansion model to Json database


filepath: string

Name of the file to store the Model instance. It can contain the relative or absolute path. If not given, and if db_name (deprecated) is None, filepathh is set to “cemodel.pickle” and fmt is overriden (set to pickle).

fmt: string

It can take the values "pickle" or "json". So far, object can only be re-initiated from a "pickle" file, therefore this is the preferred format. If not given, it is inferred from the filepathh.

db_name: (DEPRECATED) string

Name of the json file containing the database